This work deals with the phenomenon of tags. By tags, we mean inscriptions, initials, and everything found on city walls or similar surfaces. These tags intrude into urban space and are mostly perceived as disruptive. These works aim to highlight and make visible the aesthetic of these initials. The authors of these tags aim to demonstrate their existence and represent themselves with clearly readable initials. However, the meaning of these symbols remains hidden to the public. For insiders, though, the walls of cities become like actual newspapers, creating a new system of communication. The tags are detached from their environment and integrated into a new field of tension. Tags as symbols of rebellion are thus deprived of their original intention. The titles of the images also refer to urban space. They are slogans on house walls. The aesthetic preference for old, crumbling house facades is transferred into the images, where washings and scrapings reveal overpaintings, bringing hidden elements back to the surface. Therefore, what is written can never be completely eradicated and always returns.